Saturday, February 23, 2008

Tank Ball

MASU U47 Tank Ball - "Twinkle Toes"

Digital Camo

An experiment in Digital Camouflage.
Image data is translated to pixels differently than it was to film, or to the eye.
Camouflage was designed to break up recognizable visual elements at a distance.

In today's battlefield, almost every act of visualization of the enemy is thru a digital device.
Perhaps a new type of graphic image may be employed where shapes are designed
to be more confusing to pixel based analysis.

Repetitive patterns that are off angle to repetitive pixel display will often create
a moirĂ© pattern. This camouflage attempts to introduce moirĂ© into the digital image,
thereby producing additional patterns that act to obscure the object being viewed.

Available @ T3DS

A real tank ball, the Kugelpanzer.

A similar themed turret