Friday, February 3, 2012

Never Pelts

Modern fur pelt wall hangings for the hunting impaired.

I never understood the duality of Admiration by Cessation, where animals are killed in their prime so as to become lifeless trophies that are displayed in a manner that favors the new owner.
These studies allow me the opportunity to explore the unique properties of animal hair without contributing to mass extinction.
The "Never Pelt" Series depicts pelts that shouldn't, couldn't or wouldn't be taken.

Stone Coat
North American Indian name for Sasquatch

Chiye Tanka
North American Indian name for Sasquatch

Himalayan White Yeti

Odor Of The Day
The cat who always got a stripe of white paint accidentally down its back,
thereby enticing the romantic attentions of Pepe LePew.

Signed Limited Edition(s) of 10 
Size: 20x16
Paper: Moab Entrada Rag Natural
Printer: Epson 3880

 Available at: